My Mission
To elevate working moms to reach their full potential. Star Stunning guides women through positive messages, groundbreaking experiences and tools designed to propel today’s working mom forward in her career and at home. Are you a working mom? My goal is to inspire you to step into your own Star Stunning self.
My Approach
The content at Star Stunning is centered around positive, actionable steps to enhance your life whether at home or in the office. The topics I will cover may be simple, they maybe complex, either way my goal is built on the belief that there is something to be learned from everything and everyone. I love conversations about a working mom’s quest for balance including: self-care and wellness; personal growth; empowerment; and work/life balance. These topics provide organization as well as a consistent message and can be found throughout Star Stunning: Blog; Connection Opportunities; and Go-To Information.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines self-care as “the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider. To expand on the WHO’s definition, at Star Stunning it is the practice of taking an active role in protecting your well-being and happiness.
Personal Growth
Personal Growth is the pursuit of making life better and moving you closer to living the life you were put on this earth to live. It consists of engaging in activities to develop your capabilities and potential. At Star Stunning we are finding ways to enhance your life and help you realize your dreams and aspirations. The topic of personal growth is to help you make each day the best it can be for you.
We may or may not be conscious of it but all too often the pursuit of our own individual goal is often met with resistance or messages of conformity to fit a societally accepted mold. At Star Stunning I am committed to providing women with tools to overcome the resistance society has placed on women to become stronger, more confident, and reach their individual career goals.
Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance is the state of equilibrium where a person equally prioritizes the demands of one’s work life and the demands of one’s personal life. As women we often find ourselves in a place of precarious imbalance. As mothers we are inherently caregivers, and we often find ourselves out of alignment when we try to be all things to all people. At Star Stunning I will help you find ways to prioritize your time around your strengths and your life aspirations.
Each week I will share realizations through personal experiences to tackle the challenge to balance work and home in these four categories. I will share things that get in the way, lessons learned and ideas for success to handle any situation with grace. These are titled: Star Stunning Realizations. I invite you to comment and add hope and inspiration to enhance and create a Star Stunning community.
My intent is to look for the positive in the lives we each live, as I reflect on my challenges and find steps to move closer to a balanced life, I hope that you too will reflect and be inspired to achieve a life that includes joy and fulfillment. I will do my best to offer authenticity and strength to you to be your STAR STUNNING self.