Connection Opportunities
Star Stunning provides connection opportunities as a chance to share ideas facing working moms. Topics range from business and leadership to reinforcing your health and wellness to help you to step into your Star Stunning self.
Lunch-it-Out is a program offering effective ways to steal some time in your day that is 100% focused on your health and well-being.
Fireside Chats
Fireside Chats is an evening program offering ideas on business and leadership with a comfortable inclusive approach to learning new ways of thinking.
Lunch it Out:
My first question is, “Are you taking a break at lunch?” The second question is, “Do you need a break in your day?” For many years I worked through lunch, either I attended a business lunch or I worked on whatever item was the most pressing. The results: weight gain, a feeling of languishment and let’s just say: one grumpy soul within.
I needed a change, a pocket of time that would give me back some energy and joy to finish out my day. I was overwhelmed with my To Do List, I needed to find a way to capture some time in my day for myself. I started looking at my day in chunks on time and right there in the middle was lunch. Lunch had been developed for a reason, people have been taking lunch for centuries, why wasn’t I doing that? I began using my lunch to step back, use my time to think about my morning, where was I successful, where do I need to give myself grace and learn for the future. Also, it is a time to consider what is next, not on the work to do list, but what do you need to show up as your very best Star Stunning Self to finish out this day. I love a slogan, so Lunch it Out was born.
Lunch it Out is an hour of conversation where we tackle topics of selfcare. What can you do during this one hour, whether it is every day or the days you can, to protect and preserve your personal wellbeing and strength? Lunch it Out we will offer considerations for you to ponder, effective strategies to investigate and actionable steps to move toward clarity.
January 19, 2022, 12:00 – 1:00 pm CST

Fireside Chats:
Fireside Chats originated with President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States. Roosevelt held a nightly radio address between 1933 and 1944. This medium allowed him to connect with his electorate and to quell rumors, counter conservative-dominated newspapers and explain his policies to the American People. The term “fireside chat” was inspired by a statement by Roosevelt’s press secretary, Stephen Early, who said that the president liked to think of the audience as a few people seated around his fireside.
A Star Stunning Fireside Chat is a venue to connect with my listeners in an intimate way to discuss the challenges facing business women today. We will to tackle the day-to-day interactions that over time make or break our organizations. Whether that is a difficult conversation with a team member, a loss of market share, navigating change, or getting the individuals in the right seat of the bus. We will talk about the things that keep you up at night and offer effective strategies with actionable steps to move toward clarity.
In the spirit of fireside chats, space is limited. Topics will be announced and as a part of the format participants will submit questions based on the topic to gear the conversation. Light the fire, sit back, get cozy and let’s talk about difficult topics with ease and offer actionable steps to move forward.
March 9th, 2022 7:00 -8:00 pm CST