Do you ever have a day where you want to crawl under a rock and take cover from life’s curve balls? I recently visited a zoo with my kids with an empty turtle shell as a play structure. My first thought was, “Gosh, I would love to step inside that turtle shell, and it sparked me to think about turtles, what I could learn from them and how I could bring characteristics of their being into my life. I wonder if these thoughts may be helpful to you as well.
Let’s start with the definition of a turtle. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, “A turtle is an animal that lives in or near water and has a thick shell covering its body into which it can move its head and legs for protection.” The protective shell to create a safe place is enough for me to envy these creatures; other characteristics that come to mind include peaceful living and steadfast intention. In today’s post, I will share ways I embody these characteristics in my life. I am hopeful that further thought on these characteristics may also spark ideas for you.
A Protective Shell
A turtle shell is composed of bones and is a part of the spine. It encloses vital organs of the turtle and, in some cases, the head. This coat of armor goes with the turtle everywhere and allows for protection from many predators. In times of danger, the turtle can swiftly hide its head and legs within its shell. As humans, we have our Skelton and skin protecting our vital organs from injury. A predator we often can’t hide from is negative messages. Our physical bodies alone do not protect us. I would love to have the thick shell of a turtle to slip into to hide away from the negative messages. I know this is unlikely. Instead, I believe our mindset is our best defense; nevertheless, I need a physical thing to influence my mindset. I imagine my clothing as a coat of armor or a superhero’s cape that sends the message, “I can do this.” I strive to choose clothing that makes me feel special and supported by who I am and the mission I have set up for myself. My mission is to be a joyful working mom, and I intend to share my journey with others to support other working moms positively. What is your mission? Consider changes you can make to your clothing that will help you shift your mind to keep negative thoughts, people, and places out of your path to achieving your goals. What positive changes could this bring about in your wardrobe choices? Part with items that do not support your mission. Marie Kondo, who wrote the book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, suggests you ask the question, does this “Spark Joy,” and if not, let it go. I suggest you add the additional question, “Does it provide the protection I need to have a Stunning Star Day?”
Peaceful Living
Whenever I think of animals, I am curious about how they are viewed in Native American Cultures. In my research Native Hope provided insights on the subject. Each tribe may hold a slightly different view, but the overall meaning is consistent. The turtle represents mother earth and teaches us to walk in peace. Native Americans refer to North America as Turtle Island because it is believed that the turtle contributed to creation. Folklore is the turtle dove into the primeval waters to retrieve mud to create Mother Earth. In addition to most tribes, the turtle represents healing, wisdom, spirituality, health, safety, longevity, projection, and fertility.
The turtle is grounded wherever it goes. Humans may not have dived into the primeval waters, but everything we do affects our health and welfare and the earth we live on. I believe in the saying, “you get with your give.” This grounds me. If I live a grateful and peaceful life, those things will return to me. Like the turtle, I want to protect and contribute positively to the earth. I want to work with the forces of nature. I can do this by being patient and remembering that although there I things in my life I wish were different, I am at peace with where I am, and now is the time to enjoy that. I am not the perfect weight, and I don’t always say the right things, but I mean to do the best I can for myself, my family, and my world. Over time I believe this slight mind shift will lead to many of the symbols represented by the turtle, including longevity, health, and safety entering my life.
What part of your life have you been pushing away from nature? Is it through unhealthy food or product choices, or harmful activities? Consider what you can do to move forward. Accept where you are today, consider how you can maximize the positive, peaceful things you have, and move closer to your Star Stunning self.
Steadfast Intention
Over the last 15 years, I have vacationed many times in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. This stretch of beach is protected from cars as this is where the sea turtles make the long journey each year to lay eggs. According to the Ocean Conservancy, green sea turtles nest on the same beach on which they were hatched. This is impressive because turtles do not reach reproductive age until they are at least 20. They use the earth’s magnetic forces to find their way, and at night they crawl onto the beach and lay 85-200 eggs. After two months, the baby sea turtles emerge and dash to the ocean to avoid predators. Despite the challenge this ritual presents to a turtle, they are steadfast in achieving their intention to lay their eggs. Each year between May 1st and October 31st, you will see the protective markers of the sea turtle nests on New Smyrna Beach. Despite the challenges they face, they commit, and they do return. When I experience challenges, I haven’t always followed through with my intentions for myself. A few years ago, while listening to the Brilliant Balance Podcast, I learned about the importance of keeping promises to myself. I typically don’t let others down, so why do I let myself down? To make a change, I moved my commitments to myself to the top of the list, which has helped me maintain exercise, diet, and reading interests. These were the things I would drop when times got tough. I now repeat, “I keep my promises to myself.” I am not perfect, but most of the time, it works, and I am happier for it.
What commitments have you been letting yourself down on? Consider the why and let yourself explore the rewards you will feel through firm intention to keep your promises to yourself. Remind yourself, “I keep my promises to myself.” The turtle perseveres just like you will persevere. This will allow you to set into your Star Stunning self.
Turtles are amazing creatures. Their body composition offers protection from hostile forces. Their peaceful way of walking with nature results in solid health and well-being. Lastly, their steadfast intention ensures the circle of life continues. Turtles have had a positive impact on my life. I hope the thoughts and insights shared today are helpful and provide an avenue for you to step into your Star Stunning self.
Thank you for reading along today. What do you think? Is there an animal that strongly influences you or you take lessons from? I would love to hear about it.
This brings me to today’s Star Stunning realizations:
- Look to nature for inspiration. When you are stuck, look outside to find a source of inspiration. Our world is full of amazing creatures and forms. The birds, the fish, the trees, and even bugs have a place and reason for being on this earth. Please take a moment to consider something specific and what it has to offer. It might change your life.
- Choose everyday things to reinforce your mission. Each day we have something we need to do. Each day we have the option to spend that day living positively toward the tasks we set out for ourselves. Each day we choose what to wear; make that choice to reinforce your mission. Let it be a choice to bring joy and protection to accomplish the things that matter to you.
- Live with peace. Consider the phrase, “You get what you give.” Are there areas in your life where you could give more positively? If you focus on living peaceful, positive energy, you will convey that message to the world. The good that will return will be incredible.
- Live with intention. Allow yourself to follow through on promises to yourself. If you are struggling, remind yourself, “I keep my promises to myself.” You are your own best friend, and you wouldn’t let a friend down, so why do it to yourself. This thoughtful intention will not only build self-confidence but also send the message to others of the value you hold for yourself. They will return this value, and life will flourish.
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