Amy L. Williams
Founder and CEO
My name is Amy L. Williams, and I welcome you to Star Stunning. Star Stunning is a place for working moms who are looking for balance as they pursue career goals, personal fulfillment, and joy. Are you a working mom wrestling to make it all work? If so, this website is for you.
I started Star Stunning because of the difficulties I face as I work toward achieving my career goals while raising a family. I am divorce and a single mom of twin girls. I am in creative field of Architecture, of which I am licensed in a number of states and I work full-time. I have found the balance of work and home to be a challenge. I reach some of my career goals, but certainly not all of them. I love being a mother, and my kids are doing great, but some days are better than others. My hope is through Star Stunning I can share my life stories and turn them into positive realistic steps you can take to achieve a balanced life. Each week I share ideas and strategies that help me. These ideas range from meal planning to career goal setting, from cultivating healthy habits to practicing self-care. My hope is that you and I will learn together and all become our Star Stunning selves.
I spend my career in exciting, fast-paced corporate environments. As a licensed architect in seven states, I lead large projects in many parts of the country. In addition to my project work over the last twelve years I have led an integrated practice of architecture and interior design in three different U.S. cities. I work hard, I love my career, and the growth I sought in my career has followed. I achieved the promotions that were important to me and I was satisfied with my success on the surface. Behind the scenes I worked long hours, I was stressed, and I carried substantial anxiety. My career was all I had known; it was acceptable to me at the time. Honestly, it took all of me.
The birth of the girls changed everything.
The pregnancy was difficult, the babies were premature, there were TWO OF THEM. I struggled to think of what life would be like when returning to work. I had invested so much time and energy in my career and up until that point in my life it had defined me. I was dedicated to my projects, my clients, and my firm, nonetheless, the thought of returning to the fast-paced environment, and the long hours compounded my anxiety. At the time, I was convinced that there was no way I could maintain the level of effort I felt was necessary for success in my work, take care of these two babies, and my own health.
During my maternity leave I made a decision that I would explore other options and I looked for a position that might align better with the balance that I needed for myself and my family. My ego told me I didn’t need to take a step down, rather I believed a step up would make a difference. And it did. I took on the role of Managing Principal at a new firm. In my new role I oversaw a larger staff and became less focused on projects and more focused on operations and strategy. It was a perfect fit for the time.
So why Star Stunning, why now? Maintaining the balance, a happy home, and reaching the next level in my career is a constant practice. I am not perfect; I learn as I go and as the next step in my career journey, I want to have a broader impact beyond the profession of architecture. I want to help and support women. Through this website community, I am focused on empowering women—you—to reach your own career goals and the fulfillment in life you seek. My hope is that the ideas shared on this website will help you, as they have helped me.
The lessons I have learned as I have bumped along in life have defined Star Stunning. Some things I learned right away, and others have taken me longer. Star Stunning is a way for me to give to others who may be reaching for their career goals and raising a family all the while feeling stressed or unfulfilled.
My goal is to share my experiences, strength, and hope with relatable stories that you can leverage to reach the balanced life of your dreams.